Value | Meaning |
EX_USAGE64 | The command was used incorrectly, e.g., with the wrong number of arguments, a bad flag, bad syntax in a parameter, or whatever. |
EX_DATAERR65 | The input data was incorrect in some way. This should only be used for user's data and not system files. |
EX_NOINPUT66 | An input file (not a system file) did not exist or was not readable. This could also include errors like “No message” to a mailer (if it cared to catch it). |
EX_NOUSER67 | The user specified did not exist. This might be used for mail addresses or remote logins. |
EX_NOHOST68 | The host specified did not exist. This is used in mail addresses or network requests. |
EX_UNAVAILABLE69 | A service is unavailable. This can occur if a support program or file does not exist. This can also be used as a catch-all message when something you wanted to do doesn't work, but you don't know why. |
EX_SOFTWARE70 | An internal software error has been detected. This should be limited to non-operating system related errors if possible. |
EX_OSERR71 | An operating system error has been detected. This is intended to be used for such things as “cannot fork”, or “cannot create pipe”. It includes things like getuid(2) returning a user that does not exist in the passwd file. |
EX_OSFILE72 | Some system file (e.g., /etc/passwd, /var/run/utmp) does not exist, cannot be opened, or has some sort of error (e.g., syntax error). |
EX_CANTCREAT73 | A (user specified) output file cannot be created. |
EX_IOERR74 | An error occurred while doing I/O on some file. |
EX_TEMPFAIL75 | Temporary failure, indicating something that is not really an error. For example that a mailer could not create a connection, and the request should be reattempted later. |
EX_PROTOCOL76 | The remote system returned something that was “not possible” during a protocol exchange. |
EX_NOPERM77 | You did not have sufficient permission to perform the operation. This is not intended for file system problems, which should use EX_NOINPUT or EX_CANTCREAT, but rather for higher level permissions. |
EX_CONFIG78 | Something was found in an unconfigured or misconfigured state. |
Exit codes for programs. Codes and descriptions were copied from