Thrown if a dialog window cannot be created.
A buildlist dialog displays two lists, side-by-side. The list on the left shows unselected items. The list on the right shows selected items. As items are selected or unselected, they move between the lists. (Description taken from man dialog.) Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"buildlist" and $(DIALOG_REF2 ListBoxFunctional)!BuildList.
A calendar box displays month, day and year in separately adjustable windows. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 DateTimeConstructor)!"calendar".
There are multiple entries presented in the form of a menu. Mixins: Uses mixin-templates $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"checklist" and $(DIALOG_REF2 ListBoxFunctional)!CheckList.
DSelect displays a text-entry window in which you can type a directory, and above that a windows with directory names (description taken from man dialog, the --dselect section). Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 FileSystemBox)!"dselect".
Base class for all dialog user interface boxes.
Base exception for the dialog module.
This window displays a copy of the file for editing. After editing, changed file content will be saved in this object. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 FileBox)!("textbox", 16, 64).
FSelect displays a text-entry window in which you can type a filename (or directory), and above that two windows with directory names and filenames (description taken from man dialog, the --fselect section). Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 FileSystemBox)!"fselect".
A info box has no buttons and closes after a specified time interval. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"infobox".
An input box is useful when you want to ask questions that require the user to input a string as the answer (description taken from man dialog). Provides a field for entering text. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"inputbox".
A dialog box that can be used to present a list of choices in the form of a menu for the user to choose (description taken from man dialog). Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"menu".
A message box has only a single OK button. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"msgbox".
A password box is similar to an input box, except that the text the user enters is not displayed. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"passwordbox".
A pause box displays a meter along the bottom of the box. The meter indicates how many seconds remain until the end of the pause. This box exits when timeout is reached or the user presses the OK button (status OK) or the user presses the CANCEL button or Esc key. (Description taken from man dialog.)
Provides a list to select one item. Mixins: Uses mixin-templates $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"radiolist" and $(DIALOG_REF2 ListBoxFunctional)!RadioList.
Allow the user to select from a range of values, e.g., using a slider. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"rangebox".
Exception for list-based dialog boxes. Thrown if an attempt was made to add an item with a duplicate tag.
A text box lets you display the contents of a text file in a dialog box. It is like a simple text file viewer. (Description taken from man dialog.) Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 FileBox)!("textbox", 16, 64).
A dialog is displayed which allows you to select hour, minute and second. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 DateTimeConstructor)!"timebox".
A yes/no dialog box. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 Constructor)!"yesno".
Enuration for actions in dialog boxes.
Template with simplified constructor for many dialog classes.
Template with constructor for Calendar and TimeBox.
Template contains methods for template FileSystemBox and for classes EditBox and TextBox.
Template with base implementation of methods for FSelect, DSelect. Mixins: Uses mixin-template $(DIALOG_REF2 FileBox)!(boxName, 10, 60).
Template contains methods for CheckList, RadioList, BuildList.